Need to learn about U.S. taxes? We’ve got everything you need – all in one location.
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Form 1099-INT Interest – Schedule B Form 1040
Form 1099-INT reports the amount of interest income paid to a recipient for a given tax year. This example covers where to report these amounts on Schedule B of the Form 1040 (US Individual Income Tax Return).
How to File IRS Form 8962 for 2022 Premium Tax Credit
Some U.S. taxpayers who purchase eligible health insurance plans through the marketplace are eligible for a government subsidy to cover a portion of the premiums. The taxpayer must reconcile the amounts on Form 8962 with their Form 1040.
Elect to Use 2019 Earned Income for 2021 EITC
The earned income credit (EIC) is a beneficial federal tax credit available to low to moderate income earners. An election was available for the 2021 tax year to use your earnings from 2019 to calculate the credit.
IRS Form 8962 Premium Tax Credit Calculation & Tutorial
Taxpayers that purchase their health insurance through the marketplace, may need to include Form 8962 to reconcile their premium tax credit. This article and video tutorial cover the basics of how to complete Form 8962.
IRS Form 1040 E-File Rejection Notices – Forgot to Include Form 1095-A
Taxpayers that receive a Form 1095-A each year need to make sure they are reconciling their premium tax credit on Form 8962. If a taxpayer forgets to include Form 8962, the IRS may reject the federal tax return.