IRS Form 8802 – Application for US Residency Certificate
A business or individual may have to prove they are a U.S. tax resident to a foreign governmental organization. The Form 8802 can be filed to receive a certificate of U.S. tax residency.
A business or individual may have to prove they are a U.S. tax resident to a foreign governmental organization. The Form 8802 can be filed to receive a certificate of U.S. tax residency.
Form 1099-NEC is filed by U.S. entities when they pay nonemployee compensation to an individual or business. Nonresidents that work for U.S. companies generally receive a Form 1042-S instead of Form 1099-NEC.
The Form 1040 and Form 1040-SR may appear to be different individual income tax returns. However, they are similar with the only difference being the size of the fonts.
U.S. taxpayers need to be mindful of the various tax rules that surround trading financial products. This article discusses the constructive sale tax rules for trading stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other financial instruments.
An employer identification number (EIN) is a U.S. tax ID number assigned to businesses. If a business is closing, you may want to cancel your EIN.
The Form 5471 is generally filed by U.S. shareholders of a controlled foreign corporation. The Form 5471 is also filed by U.S. directors and officers of certain foreign corporations.
The IRS Form W-9 withholding certificate is collected from individuals and companies to verify their name, address, tax ID number, and U.S. tax classification. Businesses should always collect Form W-9 before making payments in connection with their business.
Losing your W-2 is never a good thing when it comes to preparing your tax return. If you are missing a W-2, you have a few options to try and recover the information.
It's important for taxpayers to make sure the IRS has their most current address on file. Here are some ways to update your address with the IRS.
The S corporation election is a popular choice for many small businesses. This article and video tutorial cover a sample Form 2553 "S" corporation election.