Does a Single Member LLC Need an EIN?
In general, every entity in the U.S. should obtain an employer identification number (EIN). A single member LLC is a disregarded entity, so it may not require an EIN. Here are the details.
In general, every entity in the U.S. should obtain an employer identification number (EIN). A single member LLC is a disregarded entity, so it may not require an EIN. Here are the details.
A limited liability company (LLC) is an entity formed under state statute. An LLC with one owner is a disregarded entity. By adding new members, the LLC becomes a multi-member LLC taxable as a partnership.
Sometimes a business owner will miss a filing deadline and their company is dissolved. In this article we discuss the details and how to resolve the issue.
Virtually anyone can open a Delaware LLC. When a Delaware LLC is opened by a non-U.S. person, their filing obligations are slightly different from U.S. owners.
A disregarded entity is a legal entity with one owner that is treated as a transparent entity for federal tax purposes.
Whenever an LLC is created in New York, the entity must publicly file a notice of formation. This article and video discusses those notice rules.
A Delaware LLC may be liable for taxes in other jurisdictions depending upon its ownership structure and business activities. If a Delaware LLC is engaged in business within California, it may be liable for CA franchise tax.
Many corporations are formed with only one owner who effectively runs the entire operations. Does a single shareholder corporation need a board of directors with more than one person?
The statutory foundation is a new entity type available in some jurisdictions. The foundation is popular in many non-U.S. jurisdictions, and is now available in Wyoming and New Mexico.
Every Delaware LLC needs to file an annual report with the State of Delaware. The LLC annual report requires some basic information to be confirmed each year.